Wednesday 26 November 2014

My Favourite Comedy Films!

Greetings, Darklings! Today, I thought I'd feature six films that I'm eternally ranting and raving about. Each comedic treat is packed with memorable quotes and a bucket of laughter... or two, or maybe even three...

Thursday 20 November 2014

Update: College, Internship and Winterhearth!

Greetings, Darklings! I apologise for the slight delay in posts. I thought I’d update you guys on where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing as mundane as my life is. While I'm here, I thought I’d let you know that I'll be posting every Monday and Thursday.

Friday 7 November 2014

Film Analysis: Goodfellas (1990)

Director: Martin Scorsese
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama
Time Duration: 2 hours and 26 minutes
Click here to watch the trailer

Greetings, Darklings! I've decided to kick-start my first film analysis with one of my favourite classic crime films of all-time, Goodfellas. There's nothing I love more than an intriguing crime show or movie, for that matter. However, when Martin Scorsese is brought into the equation - nine times out of ten - I'm highly impressed with the way he, as a director, caters for a more complex genre. I’d regard this masterpiece as being one of Scorsese’s finest pieces of work, as controversial as it might be. However, my reasoning as to why I think this will become clear further on in the analysis.