Thursday 4 September 2014



Greetings, Darklings! Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Marianne and I'm an eighteen year old, second year Media and Communications student studying in Glasgow. This means I study Journalism, Video Production, Public Relations, Music Industry Promotions, Web Design, Law and various other subjects that fall within the Creative Industries sector. I'm currently studying in Glasgow, Scotland but I'm from the three towns - known as the 'shire - which is nowhere near as exquisite as the Hobbit's wee place of residence... in the world of the mighty boosh.

"What is your favourite band and why?"
The Smiths, definitely. They've played an influential part in my life ever since my parents introduced me to the scene many, many years ago. Morrissey has such a natural way of creating a pensive vibe in which one finds solace in. It's eccentric - yet exceedingly rare - to discover that one band in which you can listen to for hours on end and still feel the same way you felt the first time you were exploited to such beautiful despair. If you've paid attention to the depth in which the lyrics go into then you'll understand where I'm coming from when I say that each song guides you through the labyrinth without a doubt hence why I admire them oh-so-very much. "Does the body rule the mind or does the mind rule the body?"

"What are your five favourite albums?"
"Birthdays" by Keaton Henson, "Frankenchrist" by Dead Kennedy's, "Boys Don't Cry" by The Cure, "Closing Time" by Tom Waits and "The Fatal Feast" by Municipal Waste.

"What is/are your preferred genre(s) of metal?"
I don't necessarily have a favourite sub-genre as such. I do however, find myself listening to a lot of Black, Crossover Thrash, Viking and Swedish Melodic Death Metal. The traditional godlike shredding accompanied with fast-paced drumming sends shivers down my spine before the ten second mark has even begun. On one side of the spectrum you have lyrics situated around the theme of death and brutality and as soon as shuffle is enabled, you're transported to a world of dragons, warlocks, etc - incorporated through instrumentals. The atmosphere is absolutely insane.

"What are five of your favourite TV shows?"
American Horror Story, Sons of Anarchy, On The Buses, The Walking Dead and The Mighty Boosh.

"What are your ten favourite films?"
American Psycho, Dead Poets Society, My Own Private Idaho, Gone With The Wind, The Craft, Ghost World, The Crow, Alien: Resurrection, Stand By Me and V For Vendetta.
I am a classic horror, fantasy, crime and sci-fi enthusiast. I like silent black and white films, superhero films, 80s films such as Stand By Me, The Breakfast Club, Heathers, etc and a decent comedy every now and again featuring Laurel and Hardy. If you're a fan of blood, guts and the supernatural then I hereby proclaim that "I'm your friend 'til the end.

As far as content goes, it will be miscellaneous from week to week. I know more about music and film than I do about fashion and beauty so I'll be pushing myself out of my comfort zone every once in a while and mixing the theme up a little. I adore reading poetry/writing creative pieces of work with a fiery passion so despite it not being up to the highest of standard I'll have fun with that. I'm in no means a gamer but I'm contemplating doing first-person shooter psychological horror with elements of RPG reviews and I'm more than happy to do a review on a specific comic book, make-up product or anime series if it's requested.

I hope that this blog gives you a more in depth insight into my brain whilst allowing me to overcome obstacles that I've been distancing myself from for far too long. I think it's more so to do with the fact that I solemnly rely on solitude to the point where I'm constantly holding myself back from embarking on new and wonderful opportunities. I'll hopefully be able to construct my thoughts in a more insightful and open-minded way as opposed to over-thinking myself into Arkham Asylum. Although, I wouldn't complain.

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